Sheela Devadas

Sheela Devadas

I am currently based in the Greater Boston area.

I was a NSF Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the University of Washington Department of Mathematics, mentored by Max Lieblich, until September 2024. Contact me at

Here is my CV.

I did my Ph.D. at Stanford University under the supervision of Brian Conrad.

I am interested in algebraic geometry and number theory.

Publications and Preprints

Slides and Notes

A Noetherian counterexample to Theorem B for Henselian schemes. (Johan de Jong gives a non-Noetherian counterexample in this blog post. )

Slides for my colloquium talk on Brauer containers for complex abelian varieties. We now refer to these as "higher-weight Jacobians" rather than containers.

Computations of class groups and j-invariants of complex elliptic curves/lattices with CM for some orders in imaginary quadratic number fields.


Custom \(\LaTeX\) class which I made for exams (with a template exam) when I was teaching MATH 402/3 (Introduction to Modern Algebra) at UW. I have tried to give credit wherever possible to code I found online; if you find any errors or if I forgot to attribute something, please let me know.

For previous teaching and mentoring experience, see my CV.


After I took part in the Online Topological Crochet class offered by MoMath and Shiying Dong in January 2024, I adapted her seamless topological crochet method to more easily handle joinings of 4-6 chains. This allowed me to make Seifert surfaces with boundary the figure eight knot \(4_1\) and the Borromean rings \(6_2^3\).
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